Planting Justice, 2016
FFI linked up with Planting Justice, an amazing organization that continues to make its imprint in urban areas around the Bay and beyond
Global Student Exchange, 2017
Global Student Exchange constructs four school gardens in Cuenca, Ecuador
Planting Trees in Rural Villages, 2017
Planting 1,000 trees in the rural villages of Mingun and Aye Kyun in Myanmar.
Planting Justice, 2017
Funding for planting sessions and culinary arts lessons at Camp Sweeney Juvenile Justice Facility in Oakland, CA.
Beninese Water Tower Project, 2015
The Govi Water Tower project supported the building of a drip irrigation gardening system in the village of Govi in Benin, West Africa.
Mama Hope Greenhouse, 2015
With the generous support of the Friends Foundation International, a new, large greenhouse was constructed and planted with organic crops.
Planting Justice – Stanislaus, 2014
Cultivating teamwork, job skills, and a sense of achievement for incarcerated youth
The CREA Project, 2008
Conservation through Research Education and Action to plant 1,500 trees
Planting Trees in Disadvantaged Urban Areas, 2008
Tree People worked with students and teachers to plant trees at schools located in disadvantaged urban areas.