Friends Foundation International is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit tax exempt organization and your donation is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Our core met at an environmental studies class at the University of California, Santa Cruz in 1975. To solidify our friendships and make a difference in the world we formed Friends Foundation international in 1991 and have funded projects in 33 countries since our inception.
Your donation will help support our public health and environmental projects around the world. FFI supports small projects for needy causes that will create a tangible benefit. We have no overhead expenses and no one at the organization gets paid. All of your donation goes directly to our projects. We depend on our friends, family and colleagues to make huge impacts worldwide and appreciate every single donation. Please take a few moments and review our amazing collection of project descriptions and pictures at and then support these vital projects.
We promise to steward your resources in the most effect way we know how: making investments in people and organizations who are doing fantastic environmental, public health, poverty-fighting, and/or advocacy related work often in very tough conditions. FFI’s Federal Tax Id. Number is 68-0258367.
Clean water in Benin – just one of many projects FFI has funded
Mail Check To:
Friends Foundation International
c/o Michael Freund
1919 Addison St., Suite 105
Berkeley, California 94704
For More Information:
Telephone: (510) 540-1992